
About us
The Budapest NOSQL Forum is a conference about using NOSQL technologies taking place in Budapest, Hungary on the 23rd March 2016.

The conference agenda covers the typical NOSQL technologies such as document databases, key-value data stores , graph-oriented DBs and search technologies. We expect to have talks about popular technologies such as MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, Neo4j or ElasticSearch.

Planned talks
The focus of the program will be case studies, where the presenters talk about the business or technology problems they faced, the different tools they considered, why they chose a NOSQL solution and how they implemented the chosen software.

The list of speakers include Hungarian Telecom, GE, HVG and Secret Sauce Partners, with more to come. The talks will cover MongoDB, CouchDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, SolR and ElacticSearch among others.

Call for Papers
The CFP is now open, read the details and apply here. Deadline is  February 15!

First Minute tickets are available for sale on Eventbrite.

Eventbrite - Budapest NOSQL Forum